Courgette crumble with raw ham and mushrooms
A savoury dish that is decidedly out of the ordinary: a courgette crumble with a delicious filling of raw ham, mushrooms and cheese.

Ingredients List |
400 g courgettes |
100 g Prosciutto Crudo |
100 g fresh robiola cheese |
200 g champignon mushrooms |
100 g 00-type flour |
50 g butter |
2 spoonfuls of grated Parmigiano or Grana Padano cheese |
20 g durum wheat flour |
1 clove garlic |
Extra virgin olive oil |
Salt |
Don’t be deceived by the term crumble, generally associated with the more famous apple variety. Courgette crumble with its filling of raw ham and mushrooms is a wonderful savoury dish for serving as an alternative solution to your usual time-saving recipes. Without any need for puff or short crust pastry, crumble is an excellent dish for those who are gluten intolerant. Just replace 00-type flour with a gluten-free alternative.
If you wish to serve courgette and ham crumble for brunch just prepare all the ingredients and instead of baking them in an oven dish, arrange them in individual cocottes, one for each guest, or in muffin cases, finger food-style: gorgeous to look at as well as delicious.
The Recipe:
Clean the courgettes and slice them very finely or, better still, grate them. Whatever the case, put the cut courgettes inside a clean tea towel and squeeze them to eliminate moisture. In the meantime, gently fry a clove of garlic in a pan with a little oil until it turns golden, then add the cleaned and sliced mushrooms to cook. This will take about 10 minutes. Season with salt and set the mushrooms aside to cool.
Meanwhile, the courgettes should now be rid of their excess moisture. Place the vegetables in a bowl and mix with the Gran Crudo cut into thin strips or, if you prefer, with ready to use prosciutto crudo in petali Negroni. Now add the robiola cream cheese, the parmigiano and, finally, the warm mushrooms. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and check the seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.
Pour the mixture into an oven dish, lightly greased with oil. Now you can prepare the crumble topping: rub the flour, salt and butter (at room temperature) between your fingers until the mixture resembles medium-sized breadcrumbs. If necessary, add a little milk. Taste and, if required, add a little more salt to prevent the crumble from being too sweet or some parmigiano reggiano.
Now arrange the crumbs over the courgette, mushroom and ham mixture. Pop into the oven preheated to 180° C for 30 minutes + a few minutes under the grill until the topping turns an attractive golden colour.